Beltane blessings! I love Beltane. It’s my second favourite witchy holiday (behind Litha of course!)
My days of leaping over fires are waaayy past me, but I love the revelry and joy that the increase in energy and light that Beltane brings.
Beltane is a fire festival, the beginning of Summer, and the last party before the hard work of harvest begins. Its celebrated around the 31st of October here in Australia (May in the Northern Hemisphere - May Day anyone?)
Its also a great time to set intentions for the coming year.
Balefire Wishes
Our Beltane fire. Not all Balefires have to be big!
We love to write our hopes and wishes for the season on some bark or leaves, and toss them into the fire on Beltane. Burning spells is a quick and easy way to set intentions, not to mention easier on cleanup!
We have just a small fire pit out the back, but you could also do this in a cauldron, or even in a small saucepan. The key point is Balefires don’t have to be 6 foot tall bonfires, they can be small, as long as they are SAFE, especially here in Australia with our frequent Fire bans this time of year, always put safety before any ceremony.
Firey Food
Vanilla Sponge Cake with Honey Vanilla Buttercream, dusted with icing sugar, by Kerrie Wyer
Beltane is one of the best food holidays. Beltane at its core is about joy and letting go, its a time of (moderate) gluttony and frivolity, so think lots of baked goods, seasonal fruit, wine (if you drink), delicious feasts basically.
We like to enjoy some succulent cakes and sweets, listen to some great music (Peter Gundry is my personal favourite), and dance around the fire. At least until the food runs out and the kids get bored haha!
If you want to make this cake for yourself, check out my recipes.
Kerrie x