Product Review: Metallic Edible Art Paints by Sweet Sticks
If you haven't heard of Edible Art Paint, come out from under that rock, and let me lay some awesomeness on you.
Edible Art Paints are made by Sweet Sticks, an Australian owned and run company, that creates 100% EDIBLE, yep you read that right, 100% EDIBLE Food Paints.
I had the very great fortune to receive a set of the new Metallics range to try, mostly because I pestered Miranda (the GENIUS behind Sweet Sticks), until she gave me some.
So let's see how they went!
You keep banging on about that Kerrie! Yes I do, because its VERY important.
There is a mass of confusion around the safety of food dusts and paints, and its a serious issue. In times past, decorative dusts and paints were used on items that were not intended for consumption, like toppers and Sugar Flowers, which were removed before the cake was cut, but now that dusts and paints are being used directly on foods such as Cookies, Cake Pops, and Buttercream, the issue of just what is "Edible" is more important than ever.
Labelling can be confusing, as can the terms, but in a nutshell, items marked "For Decorative Use Only", "Non Toxic", or "Food Safe" should NEVER be consumed. These labels mean that while the product isn't 'dangerous', it shouldn't be eaten. It is worth noting that what might not be dangerous to the average person , might be very dangerous to someone with an allergy or a compromised immune system.
If you are using the product directly on food to be consumed, it needs to say "Edible". Edible Art Paints are 100% Edible, and thus they get my tick of approval β
Cool, so they won't kill us, but are they any good???
DUDE. These paints are. so. rad!
I tested the paints on fully crusted Basic Buttercream, and got a pretty much perfect result. The coverage was clean, no streaking, and most importantly, the colour was EXACTLY the same as the bottle. I would recommend only using the paints on Buttercream if your Buttercream is crusted, or fully chilled.
The instructions clearly state that you need to SHAKE the bottle before and during use, because this does come premixed, so you need to keep it that way!
I want some! How do I get them?!
These paints are a must! An absolute MUST. No matter whether you are using Fondant, Buttercream, or Modelling Chocolate, they are in my opinion the best, and safest choice for edible metallics.
For more information, and stockists, check out EDIBLE ART PAINTS BY SWEET STICKS
Viva La Buttercream xx